Yogyakarta – May 4-6th, 2018

Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA) is an association for Hotel General Managers throughout Indonesia. This organization consists of over 800 members and held its first gathering on national scale on May 4-6th, 2018 in Yogyakarta. The event was attended by moreover 250 representatives from regional leaders from all around Indonesia.

Well known for its cultural-based tourism, Yogyakarta was the best suitable venue to enhance IHGMA’s development program for its cultural aspects. The event was opened by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as Yogyakarta’s Governor motivating all IHGMA members to drive Indonesian culture as an icon of tourism.


PT. SUPRANUSA SINDATA (VHP Software Systems) – a well known and leading Hotel Management System provider in Indonesia – has participated as Hotel Technology keynote speaker. As IHGMA’s associate member and technology partner to the Hotel Industry, PT. SUPRANUSA SINDATA has ever since supported the IHGMA organization and share knowledge on technology updates to the hoteliers. The presentation “Cloud Technology is Re-Shaping the Hospitality Industry” was held by Dipl.-Ing. Christian Yie, Director of Business Development and featured:

  • Benefits of using a cloud-based Property Management System (PMS):
  • Cost saving on hardware and software licenses
  • Less Maintenance effort
  • Real time data access from anywhere and anytime
  • Faster software deployment
  • Automated Software Updates
  • More stable integration to other cloud-based technologies
  • Launching of VHPmobile Housekeeper which is an mobile solution enabling Room Attendant to operate on-the-go from their mobile device: Room Status, Minibar Consumption, Lost & Found Management etc. It is now available on the Google PlayStore for download.
  • e1-Booking Channel Manager enabling hotels to connect their VHP PMS to major OTA’s and Online Distribution Channels. Online bookings are automatically delivered into VHP  Software while automated updates on room availability and rates to all channels are triggered from VHP Software. e1-Booking also features an online booking engine which can be integrated into the hotel’s website for direct bookings.


Established since 1990, PT. SUPRANUSA SINDATA has become Leading Hotel Management Solution provider in Indonesia with moreover 1.200 satisfied customers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia, Turkey, China, Uzbekistan etc. Align with the commitment to provide the best products and services for the hotel industry, PT. SUPRANUSA SINDATA provides integrated and cloud-based PMS Solutions, Leisure Club Management System, Channel Manager and various Mobile-Based Applications.